Past Projects
While we’re always looking for more projects, our members come in, learn a lot, and inevitably, graduate. Projects come and go, but we don’t forget them. Here are all the projects that we have worked on, but are no longer active. If you have any questions about these projects, please feel free to contact the former project leads, or contact one of our permanent staff (PIs and Staff Engineers).

Intelligent camera systems to remotely monitor wildlife

Observing camera trap imagery using machine learning to protect the Burrowing Owls in Southern California

Documenting ancient shipwrecks using 3D reconstruction, stereo imaging, and Structure from Motion

The autonomous bird collision monitor (Angry Birds) is a compact ecological research tool for biologists studying bird strikes against plate glass

Developing low-frequency microphones for monitoring elephant activity in collaboration with the San Diego Zoo

Collaboration with the San Diego Zoo to create computer vision algorithms for autonomous tiger tracking

Collaboration with the California Wolf Center to develop a mobile terrestrial wolf monitoring vehicle

Aerial bird nest tracking for habitat monitoring

Monitoring the regrowth of native plant life in the San Dieguito River Valley Conservancy via aerial surveys and 3D reconstruction

Aerial LIDAR system for jungle canopy surveys

Unmanned airplanes for long-range aerial surveys, wildlife monitoring, and Structure from Motion

Unmanned copters for short-range aerial surveys, Structure from Motion, and radio collar tracking

Video camera for capturing flight and behavior footage for the California Condor

Stabilized camera platform for recording gigapan aerial imagery and Structure from Motion

Camera system for autonomously monitoring and logging animal behavior

Terrestrial vehicle for remote mobile wildlife photography

Mobile rover for capturing footage inside underground tunnels

Enhanced OpenROV platform for underwater exploration

Engineering systems to create immersive visualizations of underwater caves

Technology to enable visual monitoring of the vaquita porpoise, the most endangered marine mammal in the world

Searching for New Harpy eagles in the Belize Jungle